Design Your Community Survey Results 4
Posted on 23. Dec, 2009 by in Uncategorized
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The initial community will focus on:
- providing inspirational stories
- a place to network with others
- receive training on how to create products
- receive training on marketing your products
4. What other features/benefits do you suggest for the Live Your Peace online community?
- sharing our personal stories on how we our “living” our peace, what the universe is offering us (opportunies) to put living peace into action…seeing others and our innocense… seeing what’s right in the world…seeing evidence of love all around us…being the peace we wish for.
- games promoting peace- or info about peaceful games and movies, reviews and/or linksIt is important that we don’t lose the coffee shop feel of the community.That it continue to come from the heart
- Free live music and huge healthy dinner parties and a dog named skipper
- I need to promote what I have been giving away for the last 10 years.
- Simplicity
- Live events to support the online community
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As far as weapons and other tools you might need in your deffence, read this Machete Reviews.