Script Your Influence at Work

Posted on 27. Feb, 2012 by in Uncategorized

Inspired Response to Robert Ciadini, PhD Influence at Work

Scripting for Success TM helps influencers become conscious of ideal people and specific desired relationships in your business. It works by deciding what kind of influence you want to have in your organization. Then by writing it down in the form of a story or success script something wonderful happens. These key influencers are suddenly reminded of the prewritten story or conversation invented when in the presence of the ideal supporting influencers. Destiny taps you on the shoulder as you smile at your future success in the first few moments of meeting. Because you’ve already wrote what the hero in the story will feel and how the supporting character will respond it’s as clear as lights, camera, action.

(Maybe you don’t get everything perfect, yet there’s that feeling you often have with 20/20 hindsight days or months down the road that is often missed in the moment of desired opportunities or encounters when you don’t consciously plan these transformational scenes.) The conversations you are having with this characters are pulled right out of your prewritten story gives you that déjà vu feeling echoing what you’ve already written. You’ve effortlessly become the casting director that finds the ideal person to play the supporting role that aids in your heroic success story.  For example, let’s say you’ve written a scene about your ideal sales call taking place in an hour from now. the key ingredients included in the story are your desired feelings, experiences, important words and concepts shared during the call. With this you are able to track the success of the conversation on a mental, emotional, conceptual and verbal level. It’s better than being psychic because you’ve invented the upcoming scene. While Scripting for Success students start to experience this phenomenon in the first week of Scripting it often takes them 30 to 60 days to stop viewing these synchronicities as flukes or random accidents.

Clarify What I Want in My Life

Thanks Ruth for helping me to clarify in such a positive way exactly what I want in my life.” (14 days later) There is so much abundance. I really feel in sync with the Universe. The Universe and I are flowing together. My needs and intentions are being met in the most unpredictable and fascinating ways!  Love and blessings, Dan Dan Harvey, PhD, College Professor (2004)

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” -Albert Einstein

You don’t have to practice a behavior or let others know you are casting for the roll of ideal client, staff member or business partner in your ideal business. Rather through the Scripting process you get clear on the outcome you desire and set the intention to live this story you designed. Suddenly you are able to ignore the infinite possibilities and just pay attention things that match what you intend to show up. This is more efficient than training everyone to change or be ready for what ever obstacles are thrown at you and your team. Your story helps you focus on what’s already there and is already working. You get emotional cues from the other person and how you feel. The even better news is, the more people in your organization that use Scripting for Success TM to proactively plan your ideal conversations, experiences and relationships, the more innovation, productivity, intuitive communication, proactive planning, leadership and record commitment and profits will occur.  This process helps filter out distractions and allow you to work with the best and skip the rest.

If you are aware of Robert Ciaidini’s Six Universal Principles of Social Influence; Reciprocation, Scarcity, Authority, Consistency, Consensus, Liking then you can work them into your Success story, prewritten conversation or character description of your ideal supplier, client, employee, associate, business partner, investor, opportunity, resource or media coverage.

Unlike typical stories, movies, news reports, Scripts for Success don’t focus on failures, short-comings, external conditions, current events or limiting beliefs or resources. Instead these stories focus on these positive traits of the main character and those in the supporting roles. It also focuses on those desires already fully lived in past tense and third person as if they already happened. The past tense is used to let the subconscious mind know this reality in the story already exists. The third person tense is used to eliminate the constant criticism of the ego that states, “That’s not me yet.” “I don’t have that kind of money.” “there’s no way I can afford that vacation?” When it’s written about someone with all of your positive qualities and none of your negative ones you can test drive these experiences on a mental and emotional level every time you read the story, conversation, character description, News Headline out loud. The point isn’t to fix your current reality, just to feel good reading the story. It’s written in such a way that eliminates distractions, gets the recipient of the Success Script emotionally and mentally aligned with the ideal, best case scenario results. It’s not necessary to dissect the current problems or pick apart how things deteriorated. Instead the focus is on the qualities and resources necessary to met the intended tangible objectives.

Also the specific names of the people you are currently or intending to interact with are not helpful in this Scripting for Success process. If you have desired qualities of these key people in mind include them in your story to help the vibrational match. However the disclaimer is this or something better will come along so make the results described in the story crystal clear including as many senses as possible.

Why is it so important to become an Influencer? It all come down to why I help people Script for Success. We all have the power to step into our potential and create a remarkable legacy. What are the six steps used in Scripting for Success to create a remarkable legacy or story? Here they are:

6 Modules to Script Your Remarkable Legacy
1. Unleash you emotional engine to propel you toward your dreams.
2. Setting and KEEPING priorities to to hold you accountable to your dream and attract it to you more effortlessly.
3. The automatic dream calibration that kills shiny object syndrome and leverages gravity to draw you to your dream.
4. How to empower your subconscious to filter, attract, and protect your DREAM even when you are sleeping.
5. How to magnify the effect of relationships to get anything and everything you want with less, time, effort, and work than you believe – and even how to do it successfully with no cash.
6. The magic of commitment.

For more information on how to use the power of stories to influence the influencers, get focused on your best results and measure success every step of the way set up a Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy strategy session.

Ruth Anne Wood - Scripting for Success ™

Ruth Anne Wood is the director of Scripting for Success TM. She is a master community builder, “The Queen of Collaboration” and dubbed “The Writer of Our Lives” in 9th grade when what she wrote down in English class came true days later in Science Lab days later. Ruth uses the power of transformational stories to inspire, promote, educate and transform failures into triumphs, pain into vibrant, prosperous living. Her clients are innovative geniuses on the cutting edge, who have taken complex problems and made them simple. She helps them step into their remarkable legacy through the power of story telling, strategic business, effective communication and tapping into an awesome reality that was bigger than they once imagined. Ruth Anne Wood is the co-author of You Can’t Get It ‘Cause You’ve Already Got It! A blind figure skater and visionary writer’s inspirational guide to moving through life. She is also the host of interview series, showcasing luminaries on peace, passion and prosperity. She has interviewed, collaborated with and spoken on stage with best selling authors, 7-8 figure entrepreneurs, cultural creatives, award winning artists and national 501 c3 charities. She thrives on helping CEOs and community leaders by pass the costly drama of lawsuits, hiring, firing and reputation management by harnessing the power of story to transform the conversation of her client with themselves and the rest of the world.

CONTACT: Ruth Anne Wood at 215-872-5035 or

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