Who is Ruth and what does she do?

Ruth runs JV ATTRACTION community for “How To” authors and coaches to collaborate and cross promote. She also works with VIP clients to create their own “How To” programs and coaching groups for authors, coaches and entrepreneurs. She also does a lot of training around Scripting For Success to attract your ideal clients, business partners, mates and know right away if they are time money and energy wasters or energetic / profitable dream com true match . The biggest transformation/ results Ruth gets with her “How To” coaches / authors is helping them create mental, emotional an spiritual filters for success so they can quickly identify ideal conversations and win/win opportunities. Lean more at ScriptingForSuccess.com


Attracting Ideal Clients and Avoiding SOBs


Barry McLawHorn’s class title and summery – from JVzoo interview with me


Identify your ideal client


Signs that perspective clients are SOBs or dream come true partners


Avoid bad clients by precisely defining your ideal customer to eliminate all others


How to set preset mental and emotional WARNINGS that this client, vendor, joint venture partner, blind date is NOT a fit.


Use this technology to quickly identify if blind dates are awesome or button pushing heart breakers that could cost you big time in business and in love.


Identify your ideal client
Tools: circle map – (map out the qualities of your ideal client that include your ideal state of being and life style)


Audio – Recording of walking a couple through this process of ideal clients/ week


Scripting Your Ideal Week audio

Circle Map template to: help make decisions on your ideal clients, life style and acknowledging your current activities that support your inner circle/ desired results.


Signs that perspective clients are SOBs


Is your prospect an SOB? worksheet


Avoid bad clients by precisely defining your ideal customer to eliminate all others


How to set preset mental and emotional WARNINGS that this client, vendor, joint venture partner, blind date is NOT a fit.


Use this technology to quickly identify if blind dates are awesome or button pushing breakers that could cost you big time.


Get Out Of Hot Water Fast study guide



The training/ technology in the class:

My working class title:


Plan For Miracles
“A miracle is a shift from fear to love.” -A Course In Miracles


Class activities:
Students can go through the modules at their own pace. (They could be sold together or separately)


Module 1:

Calculate Your Mental and Emotional Debt – Discover how much unpaid goods and services you’ve given your family, job and community.



The average baby boomer 51+ has given their community $200K-$500,000 of unpaid services and can start to notice more opportunities for gifts, income, business opportunities by acknowledging the value shared with their families, careers, communities in the last 5, 10, 20, 40+ years.

Module 2:




Module 2:

Identify the mental emotional physical qualities of your ideal relationships and experiences using a Circle Map


Module 3:

Turn that Circle Map into a road map for your subconscious to filter out time, money and energy draining distractions


Module 4:

Create win/win pre written conversations to use at your next family gathering, blind date, business meeting to help keep you on mental and emotional track and quickly identify if this is a fit or not.



Module 5:

Delegate To Your CEO – Planning your day. Choose your activities and the areas in your personal and professional life you want to focus on and all the challenging stuff that you don’t know how to get done learn to delegate to your silent partner or Divine CEO.



Module 6:

Get Out Of Hot Water Fast – Where to put your focus if you are in scary painful situations including; lawsuits, divorce, dealing with difficult people at home or work

Module 7:

Turn this Mental and Emotional Debt Into magnets for more win/win business deals

Each exercise can stand on it’s own as it’s own course, module, result


UPSELL to VIP group coaching (ad – bonus training)

Share these steps to enroll them into my high end group coaching and online JV ATTRACTION facebook group for authors and coaches to cross promote and create products/ perfect for this TotalPreneur community

Ad/ training (outline) video overview

Do you really want to have a thriving coaching group or VIP client coaching business? These are the steps I use to attract prospects and VIP coaching clients. Notice many or most of these steps and done for you solutions are missing from most guru marketing programs.

STEP 1: Have a “How To”, unique genius problem solving focus (download this free kindle book template to share your message, introduce yourself to new prospects and have something to share with your audience that show cases your expertise.)

STEP 2: Join an online community filled with ideal author/ coaching promotional partners and industry leaders. You only need to connect to one or two of them to create an awesome product or promote your own “How To” information and coaching.

STEP 3: Hire a mentor and join the group support to help you quickly create a profitable marketing funnel that:

1. Shares your “How to” book to your ideal prospects
2. Generates income in the front end with your book to cover marketing costs
3. Hand picks your ideal “How To” group coaching clients applying to work with you
4. Offers mentoring group a team of affiliates and sales team to do the heavy lifting of selling your program
5. Sends payments to you for mentoring your paid 3-5 figure VIP coaching programs while handling the advertising, marketing, enrollment application process

ALL so you can quickly get paid to help the very people you already love helping for free.

STEP 4: Get technical support along with mentor and group support to help you set up your group coaching program so you can hit the ground running and become profitable faster by attracting and serving your VIP group coaching clients.